Ready to Join CLC?
Attend Growth Track
We want to make it easy to start community here at CLC and so we created 4 weeks of classes that immerse you into your relationship with Jesus, the CLC community, your gifts and talents, and get you plugged into serving and making things happen at CLC.
Join a Life Group
Stay connected to CLC during the week. Whether it’s serving the community, having dinner, singleness or bible study, connect with a LifeGroup that shares your interest. Life Groups are small groups of people who meet in homes throughout the area to connect in friendship, learn about God’s Word and cultivate a heart to serve others. With groups meeting throughout the area, we’re certain there’s one for you. We’d love to help you find a group with which you can connect, learn, and serve.
Find Your Place to Serve
There is no better way to connect to a community than serving within it. We have plenty of areas to serve in from Kids and Students to local outreach.
If you have gone through our Growth Track, joined a Life Group and serve at CLC, you have taken some amazing steps. Welcome to CLC and we are so glad you decided to make CLC your church home.